韓國人很愛吃泡菜,幾乎是無泡菜不歡的程度。 而且,泡菜也有好幾种不同的做法。我之前做的Mak Kimchi 是把大白菜切成一口吃大小的,我稱為簡易式泡菜。想吃就可直接吃,今天要分享的是Napa Cabbage Kimchi,這次的做法是將大白菜切成4等分來自作,切一半也可以喲~
材料: 大白菜 3顆 白蘿蔔 2杯 青蔥2杯 韭菜2杯 青辣椒 2根 腌製材料: 韓式辣椒粉1 ½ 杯 鹽 ½ 茶匙 蝦醬 ¼ 杯 (optional) 麻油籽 2湯匙 *(魚露 ½ 杯 + 洋蔥 ½ 顆 + 韓國梨 ½ 顆 + 姜 1湯匙 + 蒜 1杯) *(粘米粉 ½ 杯 + 水 3杯 + 糖1湯匙)
Main Ingredients: 3 Large Cabbage 2 cups of radish 2 cups of scallion 2 cups of chives 2 green chilli Sauce Ingredients: 1 ½cup of red chilli powder ½teaspoon of salt ½cup of fish sauce ¼cup of shrimp paste (optional) *(½cup of fish sauce + ½onion + ½Korean pear + 1 cup of garlic + 1 tablespoon of ginger) *(1/2 cup of rice flour/sweet rice flour + 3 cups of water + 1 tablesppon of sugar)
1) 把大白菜不好的菜葉去掉,然後切成4等分。
remove bad parts from the cabbage and divide into 4 pieces.
2) 準備一個大盆,加入1/2杯鹽和10杯的水,攪拌至鹽融化。
In a big bowl, add 1/2 cup of salt and 10 cups of water.stir until the salt dissolved.
3) 準備1/2杯鹽灑在大白菜菜葉上(裡面的部分也要沾上鹽喲)
Prepare 1/2 cup of salt.Sprinkle the salt inside and outside of each leaf.
4) 把灑上鹽的大白菜浸泡在事先預備好的鹽水裡頭。盛一大盤/鍋水用來壓在大白菜上。這過程大約4至5個小時(似乎大白菜軟硬的程度)。每一小時反動大白菜,把下面的移上。
Dip the cabbage into the salt water.Prepare a big pan or pot with full of water put on top of the cabbage this is to keep cabbage under the salt water. set a side for 4 to 5 hours until the cabbage leaves soft.
5) 4小時候,沖洗大白菜的鹽分(這過程至少3次)。擠出多餘的水分。
4hours later, rinse the cabbage in water atleat 3 times and squeeze out the water.
6) 3杯水加入1/2杯粘米粉,攪拌均勻。中火煮開直到麵糊冒泡泡,這時候加入1湯匙的糖,繼續攪拌。(煮麵糊是記得要一直攪拌以防成團,這過程大約8分鐘。)
Mix 3 cups of water and 1/2 cup of rice flour or sweet rice flour.boil it with medium high heat until see bubble add 1 tablespoon of sugar.keep stirring until sugar dissolved. (total time need abt 8mins)
7) 洋蔥1/2顆 + 韓國梨1/2顆 + 蒜1杯 + 姜1湯匙和魚露放到攪拌機攪拌。
Grin onion, korean pear, garlic,ginger and fish sauce.
8)準備一個大的深盤,把煮好的麵糊,(梨+洋蔥+蒜+姜和魚露)的醬汁,1 1/2杯韓式辣椒粉和蝦醬攪拌均勻。
In a large bowl, add in rice flour mixture,(pear + onion + ginger + garlic and fish sauce mixture),1 1/2 cup of chili powder and shrimp paste. mix all together.
9) 拌好醬料后,加入白蘿蔔絲2杯、青蔥段2杯、韭菜2杯、青辣椒、麻油籽2湯匙和鹽1/2茶匙。攪拌均勻。靜置30分鐘,讓所有材料味道融入彼此。
add chopped scallion,chives,radish, green chili,salt and sesame seeds. mix well.set a side abt 30mins allow the flavors meld nicely.
10) 用手捉一把醬料均勻的塗抹每一片菜葉。(前後内裡都要均勻的塗抹醬料)
Spread the mixture over each leaf,make sure all of the surface and inner of the leaf all covered by the mixture.
11) 把塗抹醬料的大白菜菜尾褶起放到瓶子/盒子裡頭。(切記容器一定要乾不能有水分)。密封好的泡菜在室溫下發酵2至3天再轉放到冰箱裡頭。發酵好的泡菜可以立即使用,不過想吃到更好吃味道更香郁的泡菜最好讓其呆在冰箱多兩個星期或更久。這樣味道會更好口感更佳。
fold the leaf part of the cabbage over toward the steam and place it into a jar or airtight container.Keep the Kimchi under room temperature about 2 to 3 days.Then transfer into the fridge.
Kimchi Mandu/Kimchi Dumplings/泡菜餃子